• Privacy Policy

J’znëllkložetrespect the privacy rights of our online visitors and regard highly, the importance of protecting private and personal information collected. Our privacy policy guides how we collect and store and use the information taken from you.

Under 18's
Must ask a guardian or parent to read the privacy policy and terms and conditions and give permission to register to buy on jznell-klozetclothing.com. By visiting J’znëllkložet, you accept our privacy policy and terms and conditions.

Personal info collected
To register, we need your name, email, phone number, home address, shipping and billing addresses so that payments can be made and taken, for listing fees and final purchase price fees and seller’s payments. Saved card details will never be shared with third parties. We may also obtain information as a result of authentication or identity checks.

How your info may be used?
Jznell-klozetclothing.com may use your personal information for making and receiving payments and managing your account. We may disclose your info to a relevant regulatory body. We may also use your information to send you marketing updates, but only if you are in agreement with this. We do gather information about statistics and site traffic, but your personal details will never be passed on. We may use personal information for internal marketing, demographic studies, to keep jznell-klozetclothing.com the best it can be. At all times, you may choose to opt-out of receiving marketing emails and/or SMS from jznell-klozetclothing.com.

How to access and change personal information
Sign in, and in the 'my account’ section, your information will be available to review or change. Only you and customer service at jznell-klozetclothing.com may access your personal data using your password and ID. My details, shipping details, and my preferences may be changed online. You can change or delete saved credit card details each time you list or purchase. You will also be able to delete saved credit card details by adding or editing a shipping/billing address. You can always email us through the contact us page.

Information stored with jznell-klozetclothing.com?
We will always endeavour to maintain safeguards and ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the information you have provided.

Where and how do you ask questions or file a complaint?
To ask questions or to file a complaint, please contact us directly.